القائمة الرئيسية


TIMSS 2007 is the fourth in a cycle of internationally comparative assessments dedicated to improving teaching and learning in mathematics and science for students around the world. Carried out every four years at the fourth and eighth grades, TIMSS provides data about trends in mathematics and science achievement over time.
To inform educational policy in the participating countries, this world-wide assessment and research project also routinely collects extensive background information that addresses concerns about the quantity, quality, and content of instruction. For example, TIMSS 2007 will continue collecting detailed information about mathematics and science curriculum coverage and implementation, as well as teacher preparation, resource availability, and the use of technology.

TIMSS Schedule of Events 2008
Sampling adjudication January
Fourth Science and Math Item Review Committee Meeting to conduct scale anchoring of achievement data May
Eighth National Research Coordinator Meeting to review draft International Report – text, graphics, and tables June
ISC/IEA conduct international press conference to release International Report; ISC posts TIMSS 2007 International Report and Technical Report on web December


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