القائمة الرئيسية


I'll get some information about the Math syllabus in singapore.
this time I present P1........Wnat to read your comments
Primary 1:
  1. Whole Numbers
    Numbers up to 100
    counting to tell the number of objects in a given set
    comparing the number of objects in two or more sets
    use of ordinal numbers (first, second, up to tenth) and symbols (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
    number notation and place values (tens, ones)
    reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words
    comparing and ordering numbers
    number patterns
    use of the terms ‘cardinal number’ and ‘ordinal number’
    use of the symbols > and <
    Addition and subtraction
    concepts of addition and subtraction
    use of the addition symbol (+) or subtraction symbol (-) to write a mathematical statement for a given situation
    comparing two numbers within 20 to tell how much one number is greater (or smaller) than the other
    recognising the relationship between addition and subtraction
    building up the addition bonds up to 9 + 9 and committing to memory
    solving 1-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 20
    addition of more than two 1-digit numbers
    addition and subtraction within 100 involving
    a 2-digit number and ones
    a 2-digit number and tens
    two 2-digit numbers
    addition and subtraction using formal algorithms
    Mental calculation
    addition and subtraction within 20
    addition and subtraction involving
    a 2-digit number and ones without renaming
    a 2-digit number and tens
    Multiplication and division
    multiplication as repeated addition (within 40)
    use of the multiplication symbol (×) to write a mathematical statement for a given situation
    division of a quantity (not greater than 20) into equal sets:
    given the number of objects in each set
    given the number of sets
    solving 1-step word problems with pictorial representation
    use of multiplication tables
    use of the division symbol (÷)
  2. Measurement
    Length And Mass
    measurement and comparison of the lengths / masses of two or more objects in non-standard units
    use of the following terms:
    long, longer, longest
    short, shorter, shortest
    tall, taller, tallest
    high, higher, highest
    heavy, heavier, heaviest
    light, lighter, lightest
    finding the difference in length / mass
    telling and writing time to the hour / half hour
    24-hour clock
    identifying coins and notes of different denomination
    matching a coin / note of one denomination to an equivalent set of coins / notes of another denomination
    telling the amount of money
    in cents up to $1
    in dollars up to $100
    use of the symbols $ and ¢
    solving word problems involving addition and subtraction of money in dollars only (or in cents only)
    combinations of dollars and cents
  3. Geometry
    Basic Shapes (rectangle, square, circle, triangle)
    identifying and naming the 4 basic shapes from 2-D and 3-D objects
    describing and classifying shapes
    making / completing patterns with 2-D cut-outs according to one or two of the following attributes
    making / completing patterns with 3-D models
    cuboid (rectangular block)
  4. Data Analysis
    Picture graphs
    collecting and organising data
    making picture graphs
    use of a symbol/picture to represent one object
    reading and interpreting picture graphs in both horizontal and vertical forms
    picture graphs with scales


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