القائمة الرئيسية


Mathematics syllabus of primary four 2007/2008
September & October Unit1: Large numbers and operations.

Hundred thousands-Millions-Milliard -Adding and subtracting large numbers -Multiplying two numbers
First term
November Unit1: (continued)

Division-tests and activities.


Divisibility-divisibility by 2 - divisibility by 5 - divisibility. By 3.
December Unit2: (continued).

Factors and the prime numbers- Factorize a number -Common factors. -Highest common factors -Lowest common multiple.
January Unit2: (continued).

Application of the highest common factors and lowest common multiple -solving tests and activities
February Unit1: Fractions

Equal fractions –the simplest form of the fractions –L.C.M. of the denominators –the whole number in the form of fraction-Mixed numbers-tests and activities.
Second term
March Unit1: (continued)

Comparing fractions –Adding and subtracting fractions-Multiplying and dividing fractions-tests and activities.
April Unit2: Geometry

Measuring angles- drawing angles –sum of measures of the angles of the triangle- types of triangles- activities
May Unit3: Representation of data.

Data representation using broken line –tests of the unit –general tests


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